My site got hacked!

What is your reaction when this happen to your site. First it’s panic, then fear because you’ve lost everything, then frustration as all your hard work is gone. And finally you’re losing money if your site is a profitable one and you need to do all the work to replace it all again…

Yes, you might be thinking why didn’t I backup my site so that I do not have to spend so much time getting my site up and running again. What if you have done your backup, do you think it will not be hacked again. According to report from Ponemon Institute, 73% of WP sites are hacked within 12 months in 2012.

I always thought that who the hell will hack your site if it has very little traffic and makes no money at all. I am deadly wrong after I read the report on WordPress security for Webmasters. In this report, you will see how hacking was done.

BlogDefenderThere are many risks to manage when your site got hacked.

  • loss of intellectual property so what’s your digital stuff worth,
  • your host could close your account (downtime),
  • your traffic is often re-directed,
  • steal and spam your email,
  • got involved in criminal investigation,
  • hacked websites infect visitor’s PCs.

Many blog owners like us, think that WordPress security is difficult.  But no more, BlogDefender is the simplest, fastest, & cheapest way to secure any self hosted WordPress website that covers all the major vulnerabilities & automates important tasks.  You can secure a site in less than 15 minutes with no PHP/SQL editing, or writing complex server files. Once you get the hang of it, you can achieve the same results in much lesser time.

WordPress security is up to us as our web host will not take responsibility when our site got hacked. So, unless we do something about it, we will not know when ours will be the next one.  I think that I must invest in BlogDefender to start securing all my sites and be worry free. How about you?

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My site got hacked! — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for this article, Khoom. My own site got hacked last week and I thought the same thing–it’s brand new, not much content (then, anyway), why would anyone hack it? So I appreciate the article and the link. I’ll be bookmarking your site for sure.

    • Thanks for bookmarking my site, Max. Last week, I found this WP plugin and understand that can also do the job. It is Wordfence security. Just go to plugin, search for it and install.

  2. I learned very early on a trick to avoid this. Simply install the plugin called “limit login attempts.” Most hacking is done by programs that simply guess at your password until they get it. In my 6 months online, I’ve never once been hacked and I attribute my “luck” to this plugin.

    • I knew of this plugin from a training program. I think it was set as 3 logins per day. So, when I login more than 3 times in a day, I cannot access until I report to the program owner to reset. As I am subscriber for the training program, I don’t understand why he has to do that. You know that you need to login many times a day to check out some notes, it is so frustrating that I cannot access after 3 logins. My question is will it affect me as a web owner, I am consistently logging in and out to add and editing contents, will I get no access after this setting?


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